Malachi Lewis Dickinson loves everyone and everything. He hates getting his nose wiped and cries when I take him out of his favorite place, the bath tub. He loves his mommy, playing with his daddy outside, and will eat any food (and nonfood) you give him. He is a people magnet, and has only helped me in loving international woman in the name of Jesus. Actually, everyone loves him so much, that I think if I showed up on campus without my chubby little man, they would either ignore me, or demand to know his where-abouts and when he will return. I'm still waiting for my son to develop separation anxiety. I have passed him around from Indian auntie, to Chinese auntie, to Russian Babushka, to Japanese auntie, etc.... since he was 5 weeks old. "He's so beautiful and strong!" I hear quite often from my friends. I had my doubts, when I was pregnant, about how I would handle working part time and being a full time mommy. It's not easy, and I still drop balls while juggling. But, I have found balance more and more each month. As he changes, I have to be flexible and change. I'm thankful to work for and organization that is super flexible with my family's needs.
I am blessed beyond measure to have a husband who adores our son and helps me with Malachi in so many important ways. We've been trying to figure out how to help him sleep through the night. Brent will get up and change his diaper so that Malachi doesn't demand to be fed. Malachi roars with anger when he see's his daddy, but he quickly calms down and goes back to sleep. Malachi didn't get the memo about our new plans for him and started teething hard-core as soon as we started the grueling "cry it out" method. Oh well, he's only a baby for a year, and 8 months have already flown by. I need to treasure every moment, even the ones when I wish I were fast asleep curled up next to my husband.
We'll, I hear him coming to the gate. We live in a "gated community" now. We bought 4 baby gates to try to save our son from his own curiosity. Baby-proofing is no joke! Bye bye bloggy. See you in another 8 months!