Morning has broken.. like the First Morning! Isn't that picture amazing? It reminds me of new beginnings in such an awesome way!
I look at a scene like this and want to laugh and cry at the same time. God is so good to give us new beginnings in our own lives just as beautiful.
Last Thursday (Feb 18th) I received a letter from ISI "officially" inviting me to join their Campus Staff. I am very excited to begin the process by going to New Staff Orientation, March 8-14th. I have a lot to do, think about, and pray about. God has brought me a long way. From having no desire to stay in this country at all, to believing God's purposes for me and having joy in the prospect of helping Int'l students and their families. He is chipping away my independence and my pride, and giving me joy! What a mighty God we serve!
Please continue to pray for me as I begin the search for partners in ministry to serve along side me prayerfully, financially and voluntarily!
Please feel free to comment and send me your prayer requests and praises!
Bethany, it was good to see you. What great news that the Lord continues to use you, mold you and and draw you near. Your obedience is an encouragement to us.
May He provide every need in such amazing ways. Glory to the King!
Dan and Sarah
Blessings on your new advernture. It is neat to see how God has prepared you for this and will continue to enable you in ways you can't imagine! Look forward to seeing all that he has in store for you. Let us know if you interact with any Central Asians, Kazakhs in particular.
I got the new link to your bolg from Peter and just saw this great news. It's good beginning of your new life and career. Even though I am not a
Christian, I really appreciate the helps you and your family have given to me.
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