this is a little exerpt from "A day in the life of a CPC". Many women like Lisya come to the center for help w/ the basics like hygeine practices and clean clothes for the baby. Please pray that both Artyom would be healed and that Lisya would find Jesus.
Please, pray for Lisya's baby, Artyom.
She came a few hours ago to let us know that the ambulance took him to the hospital last night. He had a very high fever and still does. He is very weak and sounds dehydrated. Lisya will stay with him. She is very afraid and nervous. We gave her anti-bacteria wipes to use on her hands while she is there caring for him. Along, with new topichki (slippers), soaps, lotions, shampoo, etc., transport money to go back and forth with and a Bible.
We tried to stress that she must have clean hands and keep him clean........and that the hospital staff could be very rough on her if they see dirt caked under her fingernails. With tender care and great sensitivity, Natasha demonstrated how to take the wipe and clean under her nails.
Please, pray that Lisya will not be attacked by Doctors and nurses. Pray for Artyom-chik (endearment) to drink, to rest, for healing, for protection. For Lisya's interaction with other mommies that share the same room.
Thank you for praying with us. We are poured out and exhausted friends,
May we never grow weary of doing good.
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