Brent Dickinson is a math teacher at Tuttle Middle School in Crawfordsville, In. I have come to believe that his patience with me is in part, due to the fact that he deals with 13 year olds all day. He likes to grow things, make things, fix things and in general.. help people.
I have learned so much from him and through this relationship. I can honestly say that my walk with God has expanded and grown closer, through the process of getting to know Brent. I have come to realize the goodness of God in a fuller way. I have been both humbled and lifted up time and time again.
I have a lot more to learn. It's not easy... but " For I am confident in this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
Phil 1: 6
Pray for us.
(Brent knows and approves of this post)
I approve too!!!
Awww :-) Well he must be a great guy if he deals with 13 year olds all day. Maybe he would like to borrow mine for a while???
Got your call the other day - sorry I haven't gotten back to you! We've been passing around the stomach flu and Jon started track AND soccer this week and Elyse is now working but not driving. I need to think about it between the hours of 9 a.m and 1 p.m. and call you back!!
I am very happy for you. The story is very touching. Any how, keep enjoying one another.
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